Snowball's Chance
True story of political power where the mafia rules and one man looks to defy the odds to unseat entrenched and crooked city officials
Available in Kindle and Hardcover formats
"Fast-Paced Ride to Election Night"
Fat Tony, as Mayor, has a vise grip on all political and business activity in this town. Full of racism and corruption, his political machine operates with impunity. Accepting bribes and using the police to abuse black citizens who dare enter the community has been a winning formula for this crooked mayor anticipating reelection in this mostly white enclave.
Combine that with the mayor’s Mafia connections and its clear taking on the Fat Tony mob could be hazardous to one’s health. Despite this, an idealistic young attorney challenges him in the next mayor’s race. The naïve newcomer faces destruction of his income, his family, and maybe even his life as this thriller crescendos in that fateful November election night. Everything rides on the election result.
You will cheer the challenger’s successes and bite your nails as he faces down the threats… if only he can hang on until the bitter end. He’s losing his confidence and his courage as the clock clicks down to this unbelievable ending.
In this book you will LIVE THROUGH
"The True Story of Mob Politics Where Telling the Truth Can Be Deadly"
The Dirty Secrets Behind the Power
- How Tony Giunta "Fat Tony" lined his pockets and kept his cronies satisfied
- The man behind the Mayor who really pulled the strings
- How officials openly berated African Americans and kept them out of the city
- The bombing of a contractor's home because he did not pay the mafia and suffered the consequences
- How bad government kept power for decades through hiring on the city payroll and intimidation on the streets